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I am not really here. Bilthoven, 2023. selfportrait

Over Patz / About Patz

Na een carrière in de reclamewereld  heeft Patz van der Sloot (Delft, 1964) de afgelopen 15 jaar gewerkt aan een oeuvre van verhalen voor volwassenen, jongeren en kinderen. Deze verhalen kwamen tot leven in boeken, audioverhalen en podcasts, films, series en zelfs in de vorm van spellen en publieksruimtes waar hij vaak als een dirigent samenwerkt met diverse creatieven om de verhalen tot leven te brengen.


Zijn liefde en kennis voor verhalen is groot. Het is dan ook geen wonder dat Patz de laatste jaren ook wordt ingeschakeld als verhaaladviseur en internationale Masterclasses Storytelling verzorgt voor marketeers, communicatie- en contentprofessionals.


Naast zijn verhaalwerk is Patz de oprichter van Fat Unicorns Games en mede-oprichter van Skinny Rhinos School of Storytelling en is actief als autonoom beeldmaker en fotograaf.

After a career in advertising, Patz van der Sloot (Delft, 1964) has spent the past 15 years working on an oeuvre of stories for adults, young people and children. These stories came to life in books, audio stories and podcasts, films, series and even games and public spaces where he often works as a conductor with various creatives to bring the stories to life.

His love and knowledge of stories is excellent. It is, therefore, no wonder that Patz has also been called in as a story consultant in recent years and provides international Storytelling Masterclasses for marketers, communication and content professionals.

In addition to his story work, Patz is the founder of Fat Unicorns Games, co-founder of the Skinny Rhinos School of Storytelling and is active as an autonomous image maker and photographer.


Patz: Autonoom Fotograaf en Beeldmaker

Naast zijn werk als verhalenmaker is Patz ook actief als autonoom beeldmaker en fotograaf. Sinds november 2023 is het beeldend werk van Patz ook te zien tijdens exposities en binnen culturele en maatschappelijke projecten die gefinancierd zijn door verschillende fondsen en instanties. 


Patz: autonomous photographer/Imagemaker


In addition to his work as a story maker, Patz is also active as an autonomous image maker and photographer. Since November 2023, Patz's visual work has also been seen during exhibitions and within cultural and social projects financed by various funds and agencies.


Portfolio Patz van der Sloot

Story Bibles

Backstories/worlds produced for games/toys/Entertainment



'Robotti's' Original Story/World concept. Commissioned by Landal

'Do & Remi' Original Story/world concept for film/serie

Commissioned by Pixifox Animations. 


'Stikeez' Story/world concept is based upon an existing character

Commissioned by Brandloyalty.


'The Wishbuddies' Story/world concept is based upon an existing character. Commissioned by Unga Toys.


'Mother Nature' Original Story/world concept. Commissioned by Unga Toys.


'Rainbow Forrest' Original Story/world concept. Commissioned by Unga Toys.


'MonkeyTown' Backstory based upon an existing character. Commissioned by MonkeyTown.


'Little Jules'. Story/world concept based upon the stories of Jules Verne. Commissioned by GRID animations.


Graphic stories

In development

Graphic Novel

'Stinker'. Story concept / co-author.


Online Graphic series

'MilaMax animal ambulance' (MilaMax Dierenambulance). Story concept / co-author. Commissioned by Squla

Online Graphic series

'RubyTube'. Story concept / co-author.

Commissioned by Squla

Online Graphic series

'Juf Keet'. Story concept / co-author.

Commissioned by Squla


In development


'Awake' (Ontwaken)

The Ministry, first part of the Maximus Trilogy / Story concept / co-author.​


Book/series 2019/2021

'Isla Espiral'. Story concept/author / art direction.

Commissioned by Saks.


Book 2015 / 2018

'Villa Willemina'. Story concept/co-author.

Published by AW Bruna Publishers (2015), Rubinstein Publishers (2018)


Book 2013 / 2018

'Kick Fearless'. Story concept/ co-author. 

Published by AW Bruna Publishers


Audiobook 2011

'How you discovered the Unknown Adventure Islands'. Narrated by Aart Staartjes. Story concept/co-author.

Published by AW Bruna Publishers

Book 2011

Ministry of Very Secret Affairs: The lost Legion (Ministerie van Zeer Geheime Zaken: Het Verloren Legioen).

Story concept/co-author.

Published by AW Bruna Publishers

Book 2010

Ministry of Very Secret Affairs: The Sunken Labyrinth (Ministerie van Zeer Geheime Zaken: Het Verzonken Labyrint). Story concept, co-author.

Published by AW Bruna Publishers

Book 2010

How you discovered the Adventure Planets (Hoe jij de Magistrale Avonturenplaneten ontdekte). Concept, story concept, co-author.

Published by AW Bruna Publishers

Book 2009

The Extraordinary Remarkable Diaries of Victor Veggiestein (De Buiten-gewoon Opmerkelijke Dagboeken van Gregor Groentestein). Story concept, author.

Published by AW Bruna Publishers

Book 2009

How you discovered the Adventure Islands (Hoe jij de Wonderbaarlijke Avontureneilanden ontdekte).

Concept, story concept, co-author.

Published by AW Bruna Publishers

Book 2009

Secret of the chefs (Het geheim van de Chefs). Concept.

Published by AW Bruna Publishers

Book 2008

Ministry of Very Secret Affairs: The Cracked City (Ministerie van Zeer Geheime Zaken: De Splijtende Stad). Story concept, co-author.

Published by AW Bruna Publishers


In development


De Buitengewoon Opmerkelijke dagboeken van Gregor Groentestein / The Extraordinary Remarkable Diaries of Victor Veggiestein




Een onbedoelde keten van soms vreselijke gebeurtenissen' (An unintended chain of sometimes horrific events) Episode 1. Author, producer. Commissioned by DOOP Agency.


Audiobook 2019

'Villa Willemina'. Story concept/co-author. Published by Rubinstein Publishers.

Audiobook 2011

'How you discovered the Unknown Adventure Islands'. Narrated by Aart Staartjes. Story concept/co-author.

Published by AW Bruna Publishers




In development

Film (feature film animation)

'Roboy'. Funded by the Dutch Film Fund, Abraham Tuschinski Fund.  Story concept/co-screenplay.

Film (feature film animation)

'Veggiestein'. Author/co-screenplay

Film/series (animation)

'Dutch Chronicles'. Co-Screenplay


Series (short animation)

'Familie Pluym/ Kudo Family'. Commissioned by Malmberg. Story concept/screenplay




Toy 2009

'My Drawing Backpack'. Concept/Co-design. Published by AW Bruna Publishers

Toy 2009

'My Adventure Suitcase'. Concept/co-design. Published by AW Bruna Publishers


In development


​Jonathan Eatons Houses of Treasure: The Rose of the Navigator Prince

​Commissioned by Fat Unicorns Games & Koninklijke Jumbodisset. Concept, story-concept, author, art direction.


​Jonathan Eatons Houses of Treasure: The Bow of the Emperor (working title)

​Commissioned by Fat Unicorns Games & Koninklijke Jumbodisset. Concept, story-concept, author, art direction.


Game released November 2021

​Jonathan Eatons Houses of Treasure: Ascalons Fury

Commissioned by Fat Unicorns Games & Koninklijke Jumbo-disset. Concept, story-concept, author, art direction.

Game released November 2021

​Jonathan Eatons Houses of Treasure: Itzamna's Eye

​Commissioned by Fat Unicorns Games & Koninklijke Jumbodisset. Concept, story-concept, author, art direction.


Game released 2007

Ministry of Very Secret Affairs: the Vanished Palace of Mirrors (Ministerie van Zeer Geheime Zaken: het verloren spiegelpaleis).

Published by Unieboek. Concept, story-concept, co-author, art direction.

Public Spaces​ Design

In development

Wharehouse 404

Escape room Concept, co-design



Interiour design 2023

Pizzeria Robotti (Pilot)

Concept, Design, Signing, realization

Commissioned by Landal Greenparks

Interiour design 2020

Landal Greenparks Atelier (Pilot). Concept, co-design, realization.

Commissioned by :Landal Greenparks

Interiour design 2018

Story Laboratory.

Concept, design, realization.


Public Experiences


Experiences 2021

The Magic Mushroom Trail 

Concept, co-design, realization.

Commissioned by :Landal Greenparks

© 2023 by Studio Patz vander Sloot

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